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Melvins fans and Listserv members!You're likely here to
find out the ins and outs of working the MELVINS LISTSERV LIST...if that's so,
read on...
Back in the day, I passionately maintained one of the few
Melvins sites on the Internet. Even The Melvins themselves were nervous
about the "top secret" info that was being tipped off to me about them.
The site is preserved as an archive, but hasn't been updated in years. Since then, the Melvins have actually started their own web site, as have many people with much more time to devote to the cause than myself.
Here are some recommendations for Melvins sites - the last two
being archived versions of my old site.
If you want your site to appear on the list,
send me an e-mail and I'll post it here. After all, I wouldn't want to
snub anyone!
MELVINS IS GAY: It had to be on the list
LAND: The Final Version
MELVINS LAND: A Really Old Archived Version
The Melvins still rock my world...
- The Paperless One aka King Jeffo, May 2002
...and now, without further (127,000 people claim it's "ado",
34,000 claim it's
adieu"), here are the rules and regs regarding working the Listserv:
off, what is this list and what can I expect from it? |
A:The list, officially know as
MELVINS-L, serves as a means of distributing information relating to the
Melvins to fans of the band that have e-mail access. The list is a low
traffic list, as it is usually reserved for information purposes rather than
for discussion and debating.
I believe the list members prefer it this way, as our mailboxes don't get
overrun with such great volumes of crap threads that we don't even read it!
However, there are no rules or regulations against using MELVINS-L for
Melvins related discussion, just keep it relevant and no one will complain -
we're all easy going folks!
Q:The list
is locked, the list is locked!!! Should I slit my wrists? |
A:I have implemented a maximum
post limit of 50 messages per day. Some people are logged onto the
list using their work e-mail, and others are just too busy to wade through
hundreds of messages from people with all the free time in the world to
discuss The Melvins. Nothing against "discussion", but please exercise
judgment before posting to the list. If it locks up, we all lose, as
it has to be reset by me before anyone gets any messages.
- post banter and discussion to
http://www.ipecac.com's Melvins bulletin board or use an IRC program
- reply directly to the poster whenever applicable
- conduct polls by using polling software such as
HTML Gear's Poll app
- post a link to the poll on the list if you please, then report the
findings back to the list
- go outside and get some fresh air
Q:How do I
get on this list? I was on the manual list...do I have to sign up again? |
A:To subscribe to the list, send
an e-mail message to:
with an empty SUBJECT HEADER, your SIGNATURE TURNED OFF, and the
following text:
subscribe MELVINS-L Julio Iglesias
Of course, if your name is NOT Julio Iglesias, and I suspect that it is
not, you may, just may, want to substitute your name in place of Julio's.
Otherwise, Julio will be getting a pile of mail about the Melvins, and may
just be heard wondering, "Melvins? They aren't girls I've loved before, are
they? I'll ask Willie about this one!"
In order to execute all the amazing Listserv commands properly, anyone
signed up to the manual list needs to sign up to the Listserv list using the
process mentioned above. Sorry for the inconvenience. |
Q:Why are
there about a million guys on the list named Julio Iglesas? |
A:They read these instructions
and followed them too literally. |
Q:Is the
list moderated? |
A:No. The list is a free-for-all
circus where anything goes! Seriously, it's not, but self-moderation is a
much better policy than assigning the evil job of moderator to someone. If
you're pushing your luck, someone will let you know! |
are my favourite band...I heard they knew the Melvins. Can I discuss Nirvana
on this list...the Nirvana mailing list is too busy?!? |
A:No way, fanboy. If you can
directly relate it to the Melvins, then your life may be spared, but
otherwise, don't even think about it! |
Q:Can I
receive my mail in a digest form?
(This question will become relevant as volumes of mail increase and people
are sick of seeing a million individual messages in their e-mail box...) |
A:This list is available in
digest form. If you wish to receive the digested version of the postings,
just type the command:
in a message to:
Q:I missed
some info (deleted e-mail, etc.) - are all the messages stored anywhere, and
how can I get them? |
A:Contributions sent to this list
are automatically archived. You can get a list of the available archive
files by sending an "INDEX MELVINS-L" command to:
You can then order these files with a "GET MELVINS-L LOGxxxx" command, or
using LISTSERV's database search facilities. Send an "INFO DATABASE" command
for more information on the latter. |
Q:Huh? |
A:Send an e-mail to:
with the text "GET MELVINS-L LOGxxxx" as follows (here are the available
etc. etc. etc. up to the present month and year! |
Q:How do I
send mail to the list? Must I be a member of the list to send mail to it? |
A:To send a message to all the
people currently subscribed to the list, just send mail to:
This is called "sending mail to the list", because you send mail to a
single address and LISTSERV makes copies for all the people who have
subscribed. This address (MELVINS-L@LISTSERV.AOL.COM) is also called the
"list address". You must never try to send any command to that address, as
it would be distributed to all the people who have subscribed. All commands
must be sent to the "LISTSERV address", LISTSERV@LISTSERV.AOL.COM. It is
very important to understand the difference between the two, but fortunately
it is not complicated.
The LISTSERV address is like a FAX number, and the list address is like a
normal phone line. If you accidentally make your FAX call someone's voice
line, the person receiving the call will be annoyed. If you do this
regularly, however, your victim will probably get seriously upset and send
you a nasty complaint.
It is the same with mailing lists, with the difference that you are
calling hundreds or thousands of people at the same time, so a lot more
people get annoyed if you use the wrong number.
Currently, to avoid spam from others, the list is set to only accept
submissions from list members. This by no means implies that it's some sort
of elitist club or anything, as subscribing is just so easy... |
How do I unsubscribe?
We'll assume that you are asking because you CHANGED YOUR E-MAIL ADDRESS
and are CANCELING YOUR OLD ONE so that you can SUBSCRIBE using your NEW
A: To unsubscribe to the list,
send an e-mail message to:
with an empty SUBJECT HEADER, your SIGNATURE TURNED OFF, and the
following text:
signoff MELVINS-L
Q:How do I
get my sorry ass thrown off the list? |
A:There are a few ways:
- start a flame war
- post irrelevant shit
- piss off enough list members
- talk excessively about Nirvana
- claim that Americans are better than Canadians
- solicit unrelated junk via the list
- debate world religions
- ask too many stupid questions
- piss me off
- post anything with attachments
- warn the list about computer viruses or missing children
Q:I still
need help! Where can I turn? |
A:If you still encounter problems
or have additional questions not covered here, send me a message:
egulphy@egulphy.com |