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June 16, 2002
Coffee big box STARBUCKS are at it again!
First, they set rumour mills a-spinnin' last September when rescue workers at
the site of the World Trade Center were charged $130 for a case of water to take
to the site. Initially, this was believed to be another Internet hoax,
initiated by the following e-mail spam:
My family owns an ambulance service in Brooklyn NY. Midwood Ambulance if
anyone knows it. Anyway, my uncles were at "Ground Zero" during the
attack to help the victims. They donated their time to help with this
crisis as many New Yorkers did. A great deal of people were in shock
from the devastation. As many of you know, shock victims are supposed to
drink a lot of water. My uncle went to the Starbucks down the street to
get bottles of water for the victims he was treating. Can you believe
they actually charged him for it!! He paid the $130 for 3 cases of
bottled water out of his own pocket. Now, I would think that in a crisis
such as this, vendors in the area would be more than happy to lend a
little help by donating water. Well, not Starbucks! As if this country
hasn't given them enough money! Anyway, the point of this story wasn't
to glorify my uncle's actions but to suggest a boycott on Starbucks.
Now, I love Frappaccinos as much as anyone, but any company that would
try to make a profit off of a crisis like this doesn't deserve the
American public's hard earned money. Please forward this e-mail
to any one you know and encourage them to do the same.
Thank you!
Only after the nasty corporate habits of America's largest coffee chain were
made public did the PR spinners rectify the situation.
summer, Starbucks launched a campaign to introduce their new Tazo Citrus drinks.
Just one problem...
Customers (especially those in New York City) didn't take too well to
Starbucks' subliminal imagery of the "twin towers" of Tazo, nor to the the
dragonfly heading straight for the drinks, or even the use of the word
But wait, there's more!
Doesn't that dragonfly have the head of Osama bin Laden?
Never mind - the chain didn't want to get political again and followed orders
from head office in Seattle to quietly remove the posters.
Don't tell anyone.
Not even on the Internet...