Welcome to www.egulphybay.com - as
you can see from the pop-up, we've already linked you to our auction booth on eBay.
If we're selling anything right now, you can bid on it from our booth. NEW FEATURE: Wacky stuff for auction! Click here to read our tutorial on feedback. eBay has become the lifeblood that makes www.egulphy.com go around - so much that we now have our own domain name for our auction site - www.egulphybay.com. Don't worry - we didn't PAY for it, it was registered to us - no charge - by www.namezero.com. We buy so much crap on eBay, that we figured we should give some of it back to the community before the www.egulphy.com offices pile up any higher, and before Mrs. Paperless disowns me for spending all our savings on online auctions. Check out what's for sale this week at the egulphydotcom auction booth at Yahoo Auctions! Please be advised that not many people visit Yahoo's auction site, so the majority of my auctions take place on eBay. However, the Yahoo site has one good thing going for it: no user fees for sellers! Items that don't disappear on eBay (and I haven't had many of those) end up on Yahoo's auction site. Also, they let me sell an ICQ number on their site! Not only are we in the process of selling off the "stuff" that clutters up the www.egulphy.com office, but we now have a new mission at the record store! Lately, I have started to feel like I'm getting old whenever I end up in a record store and CAN'T find several hundred dollars worth of music that I want! Now, the Paperless One keeps an eye on things for the rest of the world and buys up items that he knows YOU will want (this gives us that thrill of finding good stuff at the record store even when it's something as bland as a Traveling Wilburys album). How did the Paperless One get those cool counters on his auctions, you ask? Check out www.honesty.com - it's free, and they host images for you as well (if you need that sort of service), as well as provide posting and auction management services. This site features a nice screen where you can view all of your active (selling) auctions and have it automatically updated as often as once per minute, so you can keep the screen on and watch the money roll in as people frantically try to snipe your item! While on the subject of auctions, read this page about shipping rates and where to find them. Also, here's another find: eBay's abbreviation codes explained! Also: convert your currency! - The Paperless One |